The commission gave the Obama administration a failing grade on the nation's ability to respond to a biological attack like the release of deadly viruses or bacteria.
"Nearly a decade after Sept. 11, 2001, and one month after the Christmas Day bombing attempt, the United States is failing to address several urgent threats, especially bioterrorism," Former Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the commission, said. "Each of the last three administrations has been slow to recognize and respond to the biothreat. But we no longer have the luxury of a slow learning curve, when we know al Qaeda is interested in bioweapons."
The investigation recommended five steps the government should take to deal with the threat of bioterrorism: Conduct a comprehensive review of the domestic program to secure dangerous pathogens, develop a national strategy for advancing the ability to conduct forensic analysis of bioterror attacks, tighten government oversight of laboratories that deal with dangerous pathogens, promote a culture of security awareness among scientists and enhance the nation's rapid response plan to prevent biological attacks from inflicting mass casualties.
Maybe even more alarming is the fact that Graham said it is likely a chemical or nuclear attack could occur by 2013.

"It is more likely than not under the current circumstances and without decisive and urgent commitment that there will be a weapon of mass destruction used by a terrorist organization someplace on earth between now and the end of 2013," he said.
Graham added it is well within al Qaeda's capabilities to acquire and execute a biochemical attack, compared to a nuclear or chemical weapon attack, which would be harder for the terrorist group to obtain.
Note: It has been long suspected that bin Laden has "suitcase nukes," which are small nuclear weapons contained in suitcases. According to some intelligence agencies, bin Laden has already snuck a number of the nukes over the Mexican border and is preparing to detonate bombs in nine U.S. cities. He calls the plot the "American Hiroshima." The bombs, however, are much smaller than the ones the U.S. dropped on Japan in 1945, and would not bring about the type of destruction that took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While many U.S. officials have, and continue to, express concern over such an attack, many others believe the theory to be exaggerated.
Comforting to know, right?!
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