Thursday, January 21, 2010

How To Get A Republican To Agree With A Democrat

Here is a funny, yet somewhat honest look by journalist Ken Kupchik at a few tactics Democrats should implement to get Republicans to turn from the "party of no!" to the "party of yes!" If nothing else, it is good for a laugh, because even in politics, we need to learn to laugh once and awhile.

How can we get the "Party of No" to become the "Party of Yes"? Let's be honest, the best we can expect is the "Party of Maybe I Will Think About It And Get Back To You Later." But here are some strategies that could possibly work:

10) Cast votes only on "opposite day".
9) Offer one free tax cut to the rich with every five "yes" votes.
8) Just lie and say they're voting for a war.
7) Tell them Scott Brown would vote yes.
6) Tell them Glenn Beck it will get him mega attention if he promotes a yes vote.
5) Cite a Rasmussen poll.
4) Promise to admit that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Hollywood liberal elite if they vote yes.
3) Send in Michael Steele, he's bound to screw it up.
2) Offer rational arguments, based in fact and empirical evidence showing the potential benefit of voting in favor of the bill (will only work if you offer a substantial monetary bribe as well)
1) Pretend that the Democrats are against it.

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