Thursday, January 21, 2010

Liberal talk radio station Air America to cease live programming

In a shocking announcement earlier today, Air America Radio, the sole full-time liberal talk radio station, will file bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code and cease its live programming as of today.

It's a sad day for any liberal who covets Air America Radio as one of the lone voices on the airwaves of liberal talk radio that has long been dominated by right-wing nuts such as Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.

Air America officials cited the "difficult economic" environment as having a significant impact on the company's business.

Air America Radio launched in April 2004 as the only full-time "progressive voice" in broadcast media.  It was a corner stone for discussion in America in an era when people were expected to just accept such events as the war in Iraq and the dissemination of people's rights, or be characterized as "un-American". In recent months, since I left my position as Managing Editor of a community newspaper, I have not listened to the station much. However, during my time with the paper, the station helped me to get a much needed dose of fair reporting and liberal opinions, instead of having to turn to nuts like Limbaugh, who did nothing more than to raise my blood pressure at my already high stress job.

Thank you Air America Radio for being the lone voice over the past five years for progressives and liberals in this country. And thank you for doing the one thing most of the media was afraid to do during the Bush administration - stand up to the bastards and their lies!

For more information, visit:

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