I am sure you are all as excited as I am to read a book about a person I am almost positive I am smarter than and even more certain I have nothing in common with - plus I am part of the "liberal elite," so it was only natural that I couldn't resist attacking the honest, hard-working right-wing hockey mom on the day of her book's release - although I think that $7 million advance she received takes her out of the running for middle or working class.
While I have not read the book, or intend to read the book for that matter (I lose enough brain cells a day getting high), it is obvious that while she most likely contributed to Barack Obama's landslide victory in last year's presidential election (thank you very much, I think), she does have a devote group of followers much like Ross Perot did when he ran for president.
However, unlike the confident, business tycoon, Palin is less of an idealist and more of a characterization of what the McCain campaign and the media created during last year's election season. Her identity and the one she portrays on the national stage is unpolished and fake, not necessarily because she is a poor politician, but because she is an Average Jane, who doesn't have the personality traits, political knowledge or quick thinking to be an effective public figure on the big stage.
Aside from her quirky mannerisms and nauseating, self-righteous attitude that is probably as much her own as any other idea she has offered as a politician, she has attempted to capitalize on the media's characterization of her being a "rogue" candidate during last year's election - using the term not only in the title of her book, but to characterize herself in many of her speeches. Even during the election the term "rogue" has seemingly become her mantra, which makes me wonder if she, or her handlers, even know what the term means. Webster's Dictionary defines the word as a (1) vagrant, tramp or (2) a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel - which sounds about right to me, so maybe they do understand its meaning after all.
But in all seriousness, while I don't understand, but accept that she is a popular sub-cultural figure in our society, much like Paris Hilton once was, I can't even begin to fathom what it is about her that fascinates so many people - lover or hater. I mean at this very moment I am wasting a great deal of my time to write about her book of revenge, which she didn't even penn. I mean is it just me or is Palin like that "mean girl" in high school who is constantly trying to make other people's lives a living hell. We have all known that girl and Palin's new book is just another opportunity for the mean girl inside to manipulate people into believing she is the victim and everyone else around her who may have opposed her or defied her is out to get her.

During a recent interview with Rush Limbaugh, Palin told him that she thought it was good when people questioned members of their own party - which I would agree with. However, the only problem is where the hell was she, and the rest of the Republicans for that matter, when George W. Bush took a hundred billion dollar surplus and turned it into a trillion dollar deficit. Where was Palin's challenging voice concerning the two unnecessary wars Bush created and his failure to provide the proper relief for those who lost their homes and lives in Hurricane Katrina. I could go on and on with the laundry list of mistakes the previous administration made, but I think you get the picture. The point is while Palin has found a voice in a party that has not only lost its way, but also forgotten what it stands for, she is using her voice not to offer any real solutions to America's growing problems, but to bad mouth anyone and everyone who does not believe in her views. But I must say she definitely has the "it" factor, because she certainly can bring out supporters and always seems to intrigue her haters - myself included.
The book itself has already been chastised by the McCain campaign, and many reporters closely associated with the campaign, as a falsity - but it isn't going to dissuade readers as the book is already expected to be a New York Times Best Seller and more than 1,500 suckers lined-up outside a bookstore in Detroit earlier today to purchase it and get a possible autograph. Now wouldn't you think she should be thanking John McCain and the morons that ran his campaign for allowing her to become VP, and thus filthy rich, instead of attacking the poor old freak who made her who she is - but what else would we expect out of Palin or the rest of the money grubbing nuts who are trying to capitalize off her new-found fame for that matter. (most notably her daughter's baby daddy, Levi Johnston)
Now the only question left to answer is 'will she run in 2012.' Palin announced today that if she was to seek and win the Republican nomination for president, she would consider joining forces with Fox News anchor and certified lunatic, Glenn Beck, as her running mate. Now if you are a person who is worried about the world ending on Dec. 21, 2012, you have something to really fear.
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