Monday, November 23, 2009

President or Jihad? think about it

Man the level of insanity in this country right now is killing me. Forget the terrorists I am starting to become more freaked out by the thought of some of the nuts that we let roam around this country, especially in the wake of the Sarah Palin phenomenon.

There is not much to say about this nut, except that I don't believe he necessarily hates Obama, but just the idea of government, which isn't rare in America today. But I just get a kick out of how these people are against government, but then always want it to help bail them out. How these Republican politicians are supposedly against government, but yet aspire for the highest offices in government - the reasoning just baffles me.

But you have to watch this clip, I mean if you think Obama is doing a bad job maybe its because you have been listening to nuts like this guy, who have no idea what they are talking about, for way to long.

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