Thursday, November 26, 2009
What I am thankful for this Thanksgiving
Before you run off to stuff your face full of delectable's this Thanksgiving, I figured I would leave you with a list of all the things I am thankful for in the past year in politics. Above, you will also find one of my favorite moments from last thanksgiving - "Sarah Palin pardons a thanksgiving turkey as others die around her." Classic Palin! But that's why we love her!
What I am thankful for:
President Barack Obama
He is off to a rough start and it might get even rougher after Tuesday's announcement that he will commit more than 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, but in a decade that is already being deemed the "Decade from Hell," Obama has been one of the only high-points. Obama, not only captured our votes, but he also captured our hearts by promising hope in a time when Americans had all but lost it. For a short period of time Obama brought out the best in us, well most of us at least, and hopefully by next year that campaign magic will be back and so will the economy.
Sarah Palin
I know, I know, I hate Sarah Palin as much as the next liberal, but thanks to her the 2008 election went from being a tight-race to a virtual landslide for Barack Obama. Plus, whether you like her or not, she always seems to make people laugh.
Health Care reform
We are not out of the woods concerning health care reform yet, but we are well on our way after the House approved a new health bill and the Senate voted in favor of moving forward with debate over the bill that includes a public option. It's not looking like the bill will get passed by the end of this year, but it has at least created a heated debate over health care and how to ensure it's a right and not a privilege.
The Dead reunite for Barack Obama
Couldn't resist this moment. While Barack Obama mania was sweeping the nation last year, three out of four of the members of legendary rock group, The Grateful Dead, reunited to perform a concert titled "Deadheads for Obama '08" at San Francisco's Warfield Theater in the young politicians honor. A few months later all four of the living members, including the Allman Brothers Band, performed another benefit at the Bryce Jordan Center at Penn State University, which I had the honor of attending. Better yet, the reunion shows led to a 23 show run by the band for the first time since 2004 this past spring. And if you know me, there is nothing I am more grateful for than The Dead!
The end of the Bush Administration
Who isn't thankful for the end of the Bush Administration, which saw the worst attacks ever launched on American soil, two unnecessary wars, a failure to adequately help our own people after Hurricane Katrina and the total annihilation of the economy and most of our basic human rights. If that wasn't enough, we also had to put up with the Idiot and Chief himself, not to mention the rest of the freaks in his administration (Cheney still won't seem to go away) for eight whole years. But it's all over now and we should all be thankful for that - even if we did get Sarah Palin in exchange.
The Soldiers
And last but not least, the thing I am most thankful for is all the brave men and women who are overseas this holiday fighting to keep our country safe. While I don't agree with the wars, never have, never will, and I am fearful of the continuation of a lost war in Afghanistan, you have, and always will have, my full support, respect and appreciation.
barack obama,
health care,
sarah palin,
Monday, November 23, 2009
President or Jihad? think about it
Man the level of insanity in this country right now is killing me. Forget the terrorists I am starting to become more freaked out by the thought of some of the nuts that we let roam around this country, especially in the wake of the Sarah Palin phenomenon.
There is not much to say about this nut, except that I don't believe he necessarily hates Obama, but just the idea of government, which isn't rare in America today. But I just get a kick out of how these people are against government, but then always want it to help bail them out. How these Republican politicians are supposedly against government, but yet aspire for the highest offices in government - the reasoning just baffles me.
But you have to watch this clip, I mean if you think Obama is doing a bad job maybe its because you have been listening to nuts like this guy, who have no idea what they are talking about, for way to long.
Kennedy vs. Catholic church
Did you hear this nonsense about Road Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy, the son of one of the greatest political families in American history, apparently being instructed by his nutty pro-life Roman Catholic Bishop to stop taking communion three years ago and ordered diocesan priests to deny him the Eucharist because of his support for abortion rights.
I mean who does this ass hole think he is. I am a confirmed, non-practicing Catholic, but my Grandparents were pillar's of our local Roman Catholic church, and life-long Democrats to boot. Never in my life did they share their stances on abortion rights with me, but no matter what their position was, in no way would they allow it to influence how they vote, much less how they judge the character or faith of a person.
I mean whatever happened to separation of church and state, and when did the Catholic church get involved with moral issues concerning someone's job or the laws of a state. Because you know how much I like being a member of a church who treats me like an giant turd sandwich all because of my own personal beliefs. And beliefs might I add, that only make sense in modern America - this isn't 17 fucking 76 people. The choice to have an abortion, like it or not, is a basic human right and not a privilege for women. It's not like I have ever known a woman who intentionally got pregnant so she coulf have abortions, plus it is not like pro-lifers support birth-control, which is insane because expecting people not to have sex is like expecting Dick Cheney to shut the fuck-up and go away, it's just not going to happen. If anything most women I know choose not to have the abortion even when no one, except maybe the church, would blame them if they chose to go through with such a procedure.
Plus I find it hard to take moral advice from a guy whose religion has seen its "trusted" priests prey on the likes of young boys. And what about the rapists, thieves and murders who are encouraged to turn to Jesus. Are they denied communion? I am willing to bet not, but Kennedy should be treated below such low-lifes. I mean something is just not adding up here. Maybe the Bishops mother should have gotten an abortion and then I wouldn't have to waste my time addressing such a ridiculous issue.
But anyway, in the clip above Matthews makes some great points to the Bishop, who fails to give an answer as to what legislation he would pass to stop abortion and whether or not he would punish anyone who received an abortion under the law. Matthews points out that while the Bishop calls abortion "murder," he is not necessarily in favor of punishing anyone for having an abortion. Which leads me to ask, 'if you are going to create a law to ban abortion and then not enforce the law, what good is the law?' I just wish Matthews had asked him if he supported the death penalty - although Road Island does not have it in place - because it always seems that pro-lifer's are staunch supporters of the death penalty. I just get a kick out of how they care about your life before you are born, but not so much after.
But really the Catholic church shouldn't be turning away business considering all their economic hardships, especially a devote follower who comes from a vast amount of wealth - of course the Bishop never said he stopped asking Kennedy to contribute donations, just taking communion.
But I'll stop now and let you get to the video. I think Matthews says it all.
Catholic church,
patrick kennedy,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
MSNBC Interviews Clueless Sarah Palin Supporters At Book Signing
A great look into what kind of freaks are actually showing up at these Palin book signings. It is now apparent that America is even more fucked up than I had originally suspected. I think part of Barack's problem is he is too intelligent and needs too learn how to dummy down the rhetoric. I mean he has somehow managed to make affordable health care for all sound more like the rationing of health care. We should have just called it Medicare for all in the first place, not a public option, then we might have gotten this whole issue behind us by now.
But anyway the two peeps in this video are a great example of the type of morons who are making Palin a millionaire and driving the rest of us to the brink of insanity. But these two are about as sharp as Palin, so I see why they like her so much. But I don't understand what the deal is with these freaks and the constitution. I mean Obama was a fucking constitutional law professor, if they like the constitution so much maybe they should have voted for someone who knows a little bit about it - or even someone who reads for that matter. I also suspect that Joe guy to be be either (A) a child molester or (B) a serial killer.
I really hope she comes to my neck of the woods. I just love when the circus comes to town!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sarah Palin: A dishonest, worthless person?

I am sure you are all as excited as I am to read a book about a person I am almost positive I am smarter than and even more certain I have nothing in common with - plus I am part of the "liberal elite," so it was only natural that I couldn't resist attacking the honest, hard-working right-wing hockey mom on the day of her book's release - although I think that $7 million advance she received takes her out of the running for middle or working class.
While I have not read the book, or intend to read the book for that matter (I lose enough brain cells a day getting high), it is obvious that while she most likely contributed to Barack Obama's landslide victory in last year's presidential election (thank you very much, I think), she does have a devote group of followers much like Ross Perot did when he ran for president.
However, unlike the confident, business tycoon, Palin is less of an idealist and more of a characterization of what the McCain campaign and the media created during last year's election season. Her identity and the one she portrays on the national stage is unpolished and fake, not necessarily because she is a poor politician, but because she is an Average Jane, who doesn't have the personality traits, political knowledge or quick thinking to be an effective public figure on the big stage.
Aside from her quirky mannerisms and nauseating, self-righteous attitude that is probably as much her own as any other idea she has offered as a politician, she has attempted to capitalize on the media's characterization of her being a "rogue" candidate during last year's election - using the term not only in the title of her book, but to characterize herself in many of her speeches. Even during the election the term "rogue" has seemingly become her mantra, which makes me wonder if she, or her handlers, even know what the term means. Webster's Dictionary defines the word as a (1) vagrant, tramp or (2) a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel - which sounds about right to me, so maybe they do understand its meaning after all.
But in all seriousness, while I don't understand, but accept that she is a popular sub-cultural figure in our society, much like Paris Hilton once was, I can't even begin to fathom what it is about her that fascinates so many people - lover or hater. I mean at this very moment I am wasting a great deal of my time to write about her book of revenge, which she didn't even penn. I mean is it just me or is Palin like that "mean girl" in high school who is constantly trying to make other people's lives a living hell. We have all known that girl and Palin's new book is just another opportunity for the mean girl inside to manipulate people into believing she is the victim and everyone else around her who may have opposed her or defied her is out to get her.

During a recent interview with Rush Limbaugh, Palin told him that she thought it was good when people questioned members of their own party - which I would agree with. However, the only problem is where the hell was she, and the rest of the Republicans for that matter, when George W. Bush took a hundred billion dollar surplus and turned it into a trillion dollar deficit. Where was Palin's challenging voice concerning the two unnecessary wars Bush created and his failure to provide the proper relief for those who lost their homes and lives in Hurricane Katrina. I could go on and on with the laundry list of mistakes the previous administration made, but I think you get the picture. The point is while Palin has found a voice in a party that has not only lost its way, but also forgotten what it stands for, she is using her voice not to offer any real solutions to America's growing problems, but to bad mouth anyone and everyone who does not believe in her views. But I must say she definitely has the "it" factor, because she certainly can bring out supporters and always seems to intrigue her haters - myself included.
The book itself has already been chastised by the McCain campaign, and many reporters closely associated with the campaign, as a falsity - but it isn't going to dissuade readers as the book is already expected to be a New York Times Best Seller and more than 1,500 suckers lined-up outside a bookstore in Detroit earlier today to purchase it and get a possible autograph. Now wouldn't you think she should be thanking John McCain and the morons that ran his campaign for allowing her to become VP, and thus filthy rich, instead of attacking the poor old freak who made her who she is - but what else would we expect out of Palin or the rest of the money grubbing nuts who are trying to capitalize off her new-found fame for that matter. (most notably her daughter's baby daddy, Levi Johnston)
Now the only question left to answer is 'will she run in 2012.' Palin announced today that if she was to seek and win the Republican nomination for president, she would consider joining forces with Fox News anchor and certified lunatic, Glenn Beck, as her running mate. Now if you are a person who is worried about the world ending on Dec. 21, 2012, you have something to really fear.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
It's been one year since America voted for Change

It's has been one year since millions of Americans from across the country flocked to the polls and overwhelmingly voted for change in a nation and world that so desperately needed it. Now the only question remaining since Barack Obama's historic election is 'how has America changed?'
On the surface it is easy to see how Obama has changed us as a nation: the mood, our optimism, a renewed self-belief in ourselves and our status around the world has all changed with our decision to elect the most popular public figure in the world. I think we often forget about these obvious changes in the face of Obama's struggles to change the failed policies of the last eight years because we are living it and not just observing it like the rest of the world. But when you talk to foreigners about today's America compared to that of the Bush administration, there is no hiding their excitement over all the possibilities that could evolve out of America in the future.
However, as Americans we are not outsiders and we are the people who actually are living the change that has come to our nation, so it is understandable all of the backlash that has faced the young president - especially when there is a small group of nuts out there who would argue the sky is red if Obama said it were blue. But some people will never be happy as long as Obama is president, much like many liberals would have never been happy as long as Bush was president - although I like to think we gave him more of a chance.
But for many of us who voted for Obama, America might not seem much different considering the two wars continue to wage on overseas, jobs continue to be lost and health care continues to kill thousands of Americans every day. But in time all of these issues will be resolved and Obama not only believes this, he knows it. I too know it to be true because by the 2010 elections America will be withdrawing troops from Iraq and turning over power to the Iraqi government, the economy, which is already showing signs of improvement, will start to create more jobs as the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act continues to be spent, and we should have a health care package that, public option or not, will help to save thousands of lives through regulation and expanded care.
Of course while the president struggles to make the right decision to resolve all of these major dilemma's that Bush not only in many instances created, but failed to resolve, he has also instituted the kind of change which we can all see, including the closing of Guantanamo Bay, the repudiation of Bush's tax cuts for the rich and policy that limited federal funding for stem cell research, appointed the most diverse and bipartisan cabinet in American history and nominated the first Hispanic woman to the Supreme Court.
On top of these fundamental changes, Obama has promised to repeal 'don't ask don't tell,' rid the world of nuclear arms and offer diplomatic talks to resolve some of the major issues dividing America, its allies and its adversaries around the world. And while America will always come first, Obama is also looking to the future of working in a more globalized world.
So while the haters out there continue to rip on our new leader for not bringing about what in their minds constitutes as "immediate change," which he never promised in the first place, the notion that Obama has failed to change anything is like saying Bush changed America for the better, which any way you look at it is not the case.
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