Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rand Paul: I abhor racism, but believe businesses have the right to segregate

Tea Party candidate Rand Paul (R-KY), son of Ron Paul (R-TX), told Rachel Maddow following his big primary win on Tuesday that he would have marched with Martin Luther King but voted against Civil Rights because he believes the first amendment should allow for private business owners to segregate against people based on race, creed and religion, if they so choose. This discussion derives from an earlier interview with a local Kentucky paper in which Rand said he would have voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, whose primary purpose was to do exactly what Paul says it shouldn't have done - desegregate.

Yeah you heard me right, Rand would have voted against Civil Rights. You can't make this shit up, but in his defense his father voted against reaffirming Civil Rights and has made a number of eye-brow raising comments over race in the past - like father, like son. In terms of Rand, he believes that businesses should have the right to not allow you into their establishment because you are black or gay or Jewish. He doesn't believe that the government should be involved in private businesses and their policies. Well people this is why we need big government on certain levels because dumb-asses like Rand, as well as the nutty, scumbag bigots, who believe in the right to segregate based on race, creed or religion.

You have to watch this interview to believe it for yourself. I think someone should remind Rand - who names their kid Rand by the way, if I owned a restaurant under his beliefs I would not let him in based on his name - that this is the year 2010 not 1950. I think no matter what he believes, he should have just shut his mouth on the subject because it's not like the Civil Rights Act is a pertinent issue in today's America or is it anything that is going away any time soon - or is it! I mean could you imagine icons like Jay-Z or LeBron James not being allowed to enter a restaurant because they are black - well Rand Paul can! But what else would we expect out of the Tea Party candidate. I have a feeling that the Kentucky Senate race just went from an easy win for Republicans to a bloodbath. But as a Democrat, I welcome Rand, and all other Tea Party and Republican candidates, to continue saying nutty things! It certainly cant hurt our chances come November.

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