Monday, March 1, 2010

Republicans halt unemployment extension in pursuit of destroying America once and for all

The Republican party is holding the American people hostage once again after Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY), who is set to retire at the end of the year, single-handedly halted the passing of a $10 billion bill that would extend unemployment and cobra benefits for those whose benefits were scheduled to expire yesterday (Sunday, Feb. 28).

Bunning objected to the bill because there is currently no money to to pay for the spending.

“The only difference I have, and some of my good friends from the other side of the aisle, is that I believe we should pay for it,” Bunning said.  He has proposed using unspent TARP funds to pay for the extension.

First it was health care, then it was the $16 billion jobs bill and now it looks like the conservatives won't rest until they stop not only President Obama from succeeding, but also the American people. However, it should be noted that not all Republicans agree with Bunning, as Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the Republican whip, has said that the Senate will pass an extension of the benefits. The House passed its version last week.

Aside from this being another gross injustice to the American people as well as another idiotic assertion that the deficit must be stopped at all costs, it continues to show the hypocrisy and failing path that the Republican party has lead this country and weak minded Americans down for decades. These are the same people that drove the deficit to record numbers, criticized the bail-outs that their party first started and then took credit for all of the projects that the stimulus bill created in their city's and state's.

Plus, I don't know when Republicans became so concerned with budget deficits anyway, considering the party is responsible for most the debt the country has incurred over the past 25 years. And wasn't it Dick Cheney who mocked Democrats during the Bush administration by saying, “deficits don’t matter”. But of course that was while Republicans were raising the deficits to fund two wars, and now that Democrats are forced into a position to spend in order to save the American economy from utter destruction, there is somehow something wrong with spending. I will say this, I do agree with Cheney, "deficits don't matter".

But for those of you who are concerned with deficits, Democrat Bill Clinton was the only president in the past 25 years to actually leave office with a budget surplus. And Obama has incurred debt based on cleaning up the Republican mess, not to mention he has promised to pay off all of the debt his administration incurs by the end of his first term.

While members of the Senate have promised to pass the bill that will leave approximately 400,000 people without unemployment benefits next week, it is just sad to see how truly broken our government is. When one branch of government, and even one person for that matter, can continue to halt measures that intend to move this country forward, time and time again, we as Americans have to consider taking a serious look at how this country does business and how we can change it to work better for the American people. While elected officials can be partially to blame for the failure of our government, it is more the system itself that allows a few of these pig fuckers to control our lives and how we live them. And that goes for both parties, because remember while the Republicans continue to stick to their talking points of smaller government, they are still the same party that has continued to run-up our debt and enforce unconstitutional laws to trample on our privacy through acts like the "Patriot Act". But yet the Democrats and their "socialistic" ways are the ones that are ruining our country, because we all know the Democrats were the ones in power when the federal government was expanded to its greatest point in our country's history.

While it is hard not to be frustrated with our government and both parties right now, I just ask all of us to remember who the morons are that put our country in this position in the first place and who continue to try to disrupt the progress of the American people, while offering no real solutions to the challenges of our time. The Tea Baggers are right on one thing, it's time to rise-up, only not against liberal principals, but rather the evil right that contiues to manipulate this country and ruin the American dream for all of us.

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