Q: Should Obama be Killed?
1. No
2. Maybe
3. Yes
4. Yes if he cuts my health care
Death panels, concentration camps, organ-harvesting, gun touting radicals, Republican mutiny and angry mobs have been just a few of the attacks launched against America's first African-American President, Barack Obama, since taking office.
While all of these hate filled attacks are associated with a small, but overexposed movement against our nation's young, African-American President, one recent poll on the popular social network site, Facebook, asking whether or not President Obama should be "killed," has taken the level of hate that currently exists in our nation to new levels.
While the poll has since been taken down and the creator received a pleasant visit from the Secret Service, it is a disturbing thought that a person would even consider such a heinous and inhuman act of assassinating our leader. On top trying to insight a possible assassination attempt, this poll shows a level of naivety among the Facebook/MySpace generation, and the anti-Obama supporters, that feel they can say or do anything without repercussion.
First of all this person is lucky they asked such a question in a democratic nation, because if this had been posed under another regime, you can bet this person would probably never be heard from again. But this is America, where such stupid actions raise concerns and visits from men in dark suits, but nothing else.
While I find the poll to be appalling as an American citizen, and yes I would have found it just as appalling if it had been posed about President Bush, I believe this type of action is a direct result of the president's race and more importantly the crazed verbal attacks being waged against him by a small group of right-wing nuts, conservative talk radio hosts and Republican officials, who have relentlessly attacked him on every front since taking office.
The culture that Obama's presidency is breeding among conservatives is exactly what he promised to change during last year's election. But if we don't start acting in a reasonable, civil manner as a society, then there is no chance of our president ever achieving the success and togetherness he envisions for our country.
It is not President Obama that is the problem with America as many of his dissenters would lead you to believe, but rather it is these bastards, who care more about their egotistical self-interests than aiding their fellow countrymen and respecting their nation's leader. And while I stress such an attack is as much against Obama as it is the Presidency itself, we must also remember when you call for assassination, you are calling for the death of an innocent human being, who has a wife, two kids and has never done anything directly to harm any Americans.
As a citizen and patriot of this country, I am fed up with these lunatics attempting to bully our president and our fellow countrymen around at the expense of their own gain. We must begin to stand against such tyranny and say that no more will we allow the office of the president to be disrespected in the way it has been for the past eight months, and in many ways the past eight years.
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