The scene outside was ugly as a group of crazed, left-wing nuts convened in front of William's Hall on the HVCC campus - the location where the president was scheduled to speak at 11:30 a.m - about an hour before the president's speech that was to cover technology, education and future job growth in the Capital Region.
Preparations for the president's visit had been in place since the weekend, when it was made known that there would be no tickets available to the public. I even failed to muster up a press pass from those filthy swine's over at HVCC, who failed to return my emails or calls. While what ensued is hard to blame event organizers for, it is also impossible to neglect giving the bastards who put this poorly crafted event together none of the blame at all, especially when they were well aware of what has happened in other towns and cities that barred the public from seeing the president.
Yes it was a sketchy scene from the beginning, and I should have known better than to head to the battlefield, but this journalist refused to allow such an event to transpire without any coverage - especially when it was taking place in my own backyard and knowing what type of hacks would be covering the event.
I arrived around 10:30 a.m. after walking 10 blocks to the front lines, where police had blocked off the only road into the college. It had been impossible to find a place to park and I eventually left my car in a traffic jam about two miles from the college along with other supporters who had done the same. As I approached the college I found police had blocked off the road leading to campus.
"So what's the score here?" I asked one officer who stood in front of the barricade. "Do you think it will be safe to even go near where the president is speaking?"
(No response)
"Don't worry man, I am not one of them," I whispered, pulling a cigarette out of my coat pocket and lighting it. "I am just journalist here on assignment to finally uncover the truth about what really happens at these events."
He continues to stare straight ahead - expressionless - but I can see the fear in his eyes and feel the nerves gripping

I knew all too well the horrors of what the officer was speaking of. I was at Obama's inauguration, or the Chicago Riots times two as most of us who were in attendance have come to call it. The media had the event pinned as a peaceful affair, and were able to back up their stance by using images from one of Ronald Reagan's inaugurations to fool those at home watching the historical event unravel on TV. But I was there, I saw the horrors of the Obamaniacs with my own two eyes, and if I knew those images wouldn't haunt my dreams for the rest of my life I would relive that day for you, but I promised myself, and my psychiatrist, that I would never allow myself to conjure up the horrors of that day again.
I made my way through campus where I could feel the energy jolting through people as they frolicked to William's Hall hoping to catch a glimpse of the president. They seemed overjoyed to be in the same place as the president, but I knew that feeling would only last until they reached the Hall and were denied entry.
I had originally received word of the Obamaniacs presence at the event through an email that said they intended on meeting at a local grocery store across the street from the college about two hours prior to the event. They were asking people to design signs supporting the president and his policies. But don't let them fool you. For these are no ordinary signs, but rather decoys. You see the supporters bring the signs hoping not to draw attention to the shank-like weapon they have designed out of the wooden poles used to hold the signs up. They use their hands to shield the bladed shaft that they will use to fight off anyone attempting to stop them from entering and seeing the president speak.
I eventually arrived at the Hall to find hundreds, possibly even thousands of frantic Obamaniacs convened outside, holding their death signs high in the air, ready to attack anyone attempting to st

While the attendees were well shielded from the Obamaniacs, they did not hesitate to scream obscenities and threats at the attendees. Some even offered up sexual favors from their wives in exchange for their right of entry. It is horrifying to think that these fiends would sell their own family for a glimpse of Obama.
There were a small number of anti-Obama supporters outside, but the few brave souls who had arrived were now realizing the inclinations of their visit as a group of Obamaniacs circled the demonstrators, yelling death threats and prodding them with their pro-Obama signs.
"You better hope I am not your bitch mothers, fucking doctor once universal health care is passed," One man screams in anger. "Cause if I am I will leave her to die, while I make sure you and your whole family is whisked away to some concentration camp where you will be sodomized for months on end until they decide to burn you alive!"
It was horrifying and words cannot even begin to describe the sinister look on the faces of these lunatics. I can't believe my own eyes or ears, for it seemed the hate in these people had grown even greater than what it had been in January. Worse yet there is nothing anyone can do to stop these fiends from harassing and possibly killing these men and women as they become more enraged and violent as fellow supporters passing by egg on the quivering demonstrators attackers.
Inside the president had taken the podium. His speech, which I would later see, was filled with hope for a region that was once a leader in manufacturing before companies began relocating from the area over the past two decades. He spoke about not only the importance of the United States becoming a leader in education, but more importantly, reinforced to the citizens of the Capital Region that there are talented workers living here. It was a broad ranging speech that touched upon the history and future growth of the region, and how it can be an example of what the U.S. will need to do in the future if it intends to create new jobs and continue to be a world leader in manufacturing.
"Troy, NY has bore the brunt of a changing economy," Obama eloquently said.
While the message inside was positive not only for our area, but our nation, outside the Obamaniacs had turned what should have been a joyful affair for the region into one of anger, fear and violence. All sorts of objects from cell phones to shoes filled the air as men, women and children of all races grew in anger just knowing the president was well into his speech inside. A man next to me even collapsed to the ground after a falling battery crushed his skull. I witnessed a group of children attack a elderly man holding an anti-Obamacare sign and an old woman get beat with her purse by a group of teenage girls, who did not appreciate her comparison of Obama to Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, Mussolini, bin Laden or King George III. I hurried to escape the area, trying to blend in with the Obamaniacs by shouting things like "Kill the pigs!" and "If I can't see him no one will!" as I nervously shuffled my way to the edge of the mob.
Gun shots rang out and a cloud of tear gas filled the air just before I reached the mob's edge. I hit the ground, quickly stru

I later found out that the president was quickly rushed out after the speech, and attendees were secured inside the Hall while police dispersed the rest of the crowd. They told them that there had been a security breach by some gun-touting Republican, but not to be afraid.
After the dust settled I bravely made my way back to the war zone to find

Later that night when I turned on the news I can't say I was surprised to find that none of the local news stations or the national news stations like MSNBC, CNN or FOX for that matter had covered the horrific events that unfolded on the college campus during the president's speech. But I cannot in good conciseness, not even if it means my life, continue to neglect what is happening at these events. That is why I voted for John McCain, not because I agreed with any of his visions for America or his policies, but because if he had won you could be certain no one would have shown up to have seen him speak, much less an angry mob of star struck fans.
Let's just hope someone can talk some sense into these maniacs before it turns into a national catastrophe, which was narrowly avoided at President Obama's inauguration. If only the president, or other Democrats, who have influence over these blood sucking lunatics, would stand up and tell these bastards to stop their heinous actions before innocent people, or possibly even are president, gets killed!
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